Teaching English and developing language skills through art and S.T.E.A.M. activities.
Category: Creativity in Teaching Language Skills
Η παρουσίαση του βραβευμένου προγράμματος εκμάθησης αγγλικών μέσω της τέχνης και δραστηριοτήτων S.T.E.A.M.
In an attempt for our school to achieve the optimum teaching experience, we try to include various activities and approaches so as our students acquire not only knowledge but also experience the learning process firsthand.
In this framework, we encompass various STEAM (Science – Technology – Engineering – Arts – Mathematics) activities in order to engage them in experiential learning, direct their focus to problem solving, encourage collaboration and creativity. We make our very best to teach the innovators, educators, leaders and learners of the 21st century and create learning environments that are dynamic and relevant.
Some of our STEAM activities are the following:
- Colourful Flowers
Learning group: 6-10 years old.
Materials used: flowers (e.g white roses – carnations – lilies etc), scissors, water, food colouring.
Aims of the activity: to learn the names of various flowers, to review the basic colours and learn the fact that the pedals of the flowers change colour due to the xylem of the plant that soaks water.
- Alphabet tree:
Learning group: 6-9 years old.
Materials used: toilet paper rolls, wooden craft sticks, magnetic letters.
Aim of the activity: to review the letters of the alphabet while learning how to balance them on the sticks placed on the paper roll.
- 3D Art with craft sticks:
Learning group: 6-10 years old.
Materials used: clothes pegs, clips and colourful craft sticks.
Aim of the activity: to teach the shapes in English and review the colours while constructing three dimensional sculptures.
- Coding treasure hunt:
Learning group: 6-12 years old.
Materials used: paper, pens – pencils – markers.
Aim of the activity: review the alphabet and the numbers while they develop their problem solving skills and come in contact with some notions of the early programming like the sequencing( setting things in a given order) and the debug( tracking and correcting errors).
Method: the students and their teacher create a decoding key correlating a number to a letter of the alphabet. Then we take some pieces of the paper and write down the “clues” of the treasure hunt. In some cases we use mathematical operations ( e.g addition – subtraction – multiplication – division), as well.
- Write your name in the binary arithmetic system:
Learning group: 8-10 years old.
Materials used: paper – pen/pencil – paint brush/markers
Aim of the activity: review the alphabet while they learn how computers store and process data using the binary system, which allows communication, they also process the orders we give them.
Method: using the board of the binary conversion the students draw the binary code for every letter and write their name on the paper. Then using a paint brush or a marker they colour what they have drawn.
- Another Art related program our school has adopted is “Meet … Famous Artists”. In this section we engage our intermediate to advanced level students in visual arts, in an attempt to introduce famous artists and their work to our learners and encourage them to express their feelings using colour, texture and structure. We use art materials to observe, predict, experiment and problem-solve and we then invite our students to talk about the artist and their work, find useful information about their lives and their works, make presentations in class about them and finally produce their own piece of art inspired by a specific artist. In the photos and the videos sent: we include a Wassily Kadinsky project, a Jackson Pollock and a Vincent Van Gogh one.